Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas in England

In English speaking countries, children don’t get their presents on Christmas Eve (24 December). Santa comes at night when everyone is asleep. Santa’s reindeer can fly and take him from house to house. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Santa climbs down the chimney to leave the presents under the Christmas tree.

In the morning of Christmas Day (25 December), children usually get up very early to unwrap their presents. Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys.

Christmas dinner is served in the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey and sprouts and a Christmas pudding.

26 December is called Boxing Day. It hasn’t always been a holiday. People used to go back to work on that day where their bosses gave them little Christmas presents in small boxes. That’s why the day is called Boxing Day.

Questions on the text

Translate the text in your English notebook and answer the questions according to the text in your English notebook too.

  1. Santa’s sleigh lands …

  2. Santa puts the presents …

  3. Why is 26 December called Boxing Day?

Nursery Rhyme

Little Jack Horner,
Sat in a corner,
Eating a Christmas pie.
He stuck in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, »What a good boy am I.«

Christmas pie

  • What do you think about Christmas?
  • How are your Christmas Holiday?
  • What do you do in Christmas Time?
Write a text.

Remember. You must do this task until 7th January 2009 and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tell me your opinion about the English class and the School.

Hello my friends:

With this last comment of the blog I hope your written opinion in a free text about English classes in particular and on your life at school in general.

As a teacher is very important for me to know your honest opinion, as it is the best way to learn and improve for the future.

Kind regards.

Your English teacher Luis.

John Lennon and the woman

What do you think about this song? Especially of the letter of the song. Explain your answer, please.

If you like downloading this song into your computer click here >>>
Best wishes.

Your Teacher Luis.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Write a text !

Hello my friends!

Now we propose you a new free work. Write a text that necessarily takes the following words: school, parents, life, class, sybject, home, rules, holidays, games, sports. We expect you to invent a title.

An example is the fact that your colleague has 1st of ESO, Ana Nieto Espejo.

Your Teacher Luis.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Reading - Deduction

Play with the computer and learn English.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My family's hobbies


My name is Luis but my nick in Internet is "bikervva" because my favourite hobby is the mountain bike. I love very much riding on my bike and going to the Nature: see mountains, rivers and valleys with good friends,... is a fantastic experience!

I have got another hobbies, for example, the swimming, the photography, listen to music, especially classic music, read books, especially historic novels of my favourite author: Arturo Pérez Reverte. I like going trekking with my friends and enjoying of the Nature doing outdoor sport and taking photos.

Aaaaaahhhh! I forget... another hobby that I have got is to work with my computer and to surf the Internet.

My family has got many different hobbies. My wife enjoys with trekking and swimming and making delicious cakes. My daughter Eva likes swimming, mountain-bike and trekking. My sons Nacho and Alberto are great sporties: both are fools for the football!

Finally, I say you any secret thing that our cat Curro has also got a big hobby: he loves sleeping and eating!

What are your hobbies and your family?
Good luck every body with your text and I wish you a good mark!

Teacher Luis.

Remember. You must do this task until 31st May!
Please, I need to know what do you think of this activity and you can give your opinion in the survey. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Free texts!


If you want to write a free text in English or simply copy some text in English that you like, this is the right place.

I wish you enjoy and you will learn much English.

With my best wishes.

Your English teacher Louis.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My house


I listened the sentence: "Home, sweet home..." and I think is true.

My house is a little and old house situated in La Paz street in Villanueva Mesía.
It is little but I like very much my house, becouse it is my home and the home of my family. The most important for me is the near that it is of my work in the school and the good people that are all my neighbourhood.
I live with my family: wife, two sons and one daugther. ¡Ahh, I almost forget: Two cats live with us!!!

My house has two floors. The ground floor have a very little kitchen, a living room, a study and a larder. Behind the house there is a fantastic courtyard with a lot of plants and flowers. In spring and summer we live there nearly everytime.
There are 3 bedrooms in the first floor: the main bedroom and two small bedrooms. Also there is a bathroom.

My study is small, but very confortable. I love it. In my study there's two tables: a round table for work and a long table for work with my Personal Computer and a printer. Also there are a lot shelves for hundreds books and a lot of CDs. There's a coat rack for the clothes and there are a poster and a lot photograpies.
In another shelf I have a CD player because I like very much listen to CDs specially classical music. Sometimes I can watch DVDs in a little TV.

Next to my house there is a garage. There I keep my car and my mountain bike. My sons play table tennis with their friends there. It is very useful this place for all my family.

Do you want to know my house? You can go there and visit it becouse the doors always are open for my friends.

Remember. You must do this task until 30th April!
Please, I need to know what do you think of this activity and you can give your opinion in the survey. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My meals

Hello my friends.

My name is Luis, your English Teacher. I am from Villanueva Mesía, Granada in Spain. I am 53 years old and I was born in the Albaicin in Granada capital. The Albaicin is a big and old neighborhood very near and opposite of the Alhambra and the Generalife. Next to my old street go past a beautiful typical river: The Darro. This river is tributary of our Genil river.

Now I work at the Cardenal Cisneros School in this village, Villanueva Mesía.

I get up early, approximately at 7 o'clock in the morning and I have a toast with olive oil, coffee with milk and orange juice for breakfast. Sometimes I put butter or peach jam on the piece of toast but I prefer it with olive oil because this breakfast is more healthy. Every day I have breakfast at half past eight more or less and then I go to the school. At the weekends I have breakfast more late around nine o'clock or half past nine in the morning.

I have a piece of fruit, por example an apple, an orange, a banana and sometimes I have some strawberries at break time at school around twelve o'clock.

Then, at half past two in the afternoon I have lunch at home. I am very hungry at this time and I eat all the food that it is on the table. My favourite food is paella and roast chicken with a lot of fried chips and some bread. I always drink some water and I sometimes drink only a cup of a good wine. I often start my lunch with salad and I always finish with a piece of fresh fruit of the day.
I like very much the Mediterranean Food because I think that this kind of meal is very healthy: vegetables and fruit are very important. I try to eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetable a day.

I have a cup of tea or a cup of coffe with milk with a pair of biscuits at six o'clock in the afternoon. It is very good for me to have somethig at this time, so I can continue work better.

Finally, I have dinner around ten o´clock. My dinner is very light: a salad, some cheese or york ham and another piece of fruit or yogurt. It is very important for me don't eat a lot at night because I can sleep better with my empty stomach: my dreams are wonderful!

Remember. You must do this task until 31st March!

Please, I need to know what do you think of this activity and you can give your opinion in the survey. Thanks!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I am this

Hi. My name is Luis. I am an English teacher at Cardenal Cisneros School. I teach English to students of Primary and Secondary and also I am the headmaster of this school. I make every effort to do my job well. I am not good at Art but I like English and Spanish very much. I love sports too. My favourite sport is riding mountain bike but I can also swim and do trekking at the weekend.

My best friend is Emilio. He isn't good at English but he is interested in sports, specially in mountain-bike. He is an excellent tennis-player and now he is learning paddle! He has got two children: one son, Emilito and one daugther, Alba. Emilito can play football and Alba can rollerblade very well.

I have got four children: three sons, Luismi, Nacho and Alberto and one daughter, Eva. All are great athletes: Luismi, Nacho and Eva are good swimmers and Alberto is a very good footballer. He plays at Granada CF. They can use a computer and Eva is good at Math. I am not. Math is difficult for me!

My great hobby is the photography and always I go with my little camera when I do mountain-bike and trekking. Make photographies in the nature is fantastic!

Write to me soon.

See you.


Remember. You must do this task until 7th March!
Please, I need to know what do you think of this activity and you can give your opinion in the survey. Thanks!
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