Friday, March 16, 2012

My hobbies

Write a text about your hobbies.
You must do it until 23 March.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

International Women's Day

Write a text in coments about this day until 15th of March.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Big Geographical Discoveries

A good job done by our colleagues Octavio, Cristina and Juanfra.

The Ground

This is the work about The Ground of the Earth, made by students Natalia, Carmen and Antonio. 
Technically very well done and speaking well too.

Animal Nutrition

A job very well prepared technically and a great speaking.
Congratulations Yisela, María and Víctor!

Questions Tags

Learn about Question Tag

Question tags are short questions which appear at the end of a sentence. They are used to confirm information or when we want to keep the flow of a conversation. Depending on the intonation given, the meaning of a tag question (the whole sentence that contains the question tag) may change. If it has a rising intonation, then the question tag is a real question. Otherwise, if said with falling intonation, it sounds more like a statement for which no answer is actually required.

 and now make a test here>>>

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