Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some ideas for to work in the blog

My dream date

As it's Valentine's Day on Saturday, try this sample activity from the its-english web site with your students. All they have to do is answer a series of questions in order to create a short story in which they go on a date with the boy or girl of their dreams. They can then print their stories to display in the classroom.

Follow this link to access the interactive exercise


Topical classroom activities

If you’re wondering how a monkey, nicknamed Troublemaker, ended up on the cover of a teachers’ magazine, then take a look at the topical classroom activities we’ve prepared for this issue. “Troublemaker” is one of the winning photos in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. You’ll find activities related to the competition as well as International Year of Astronomy, Barbie’s 50th birthday, Star Trek, jazz, April Fool’s Day, green day (not the rock group) and Kings of Leon (yes, the rock group). And continuing the red carpet theme, we have a fun classroom game in which students identify stars arriving at an awards ceremony and complete a picture puzzle to identify four mystery stars.

Our free sample activity is a quiz to test your students' knowledge of Kings of Leon, currently one of the most popular rock bands in the world. This month the group's on tour in Spain, France, Holland and Germany.

Follow this link to download the activity.



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